A Warriors Path
By Izzy_Gay_Boy
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Never did i think i was gonn awake up look in the bathroom mirror and think I would see a bullet wound 3 inches above my heart This is the story of D'Andre Parker is starts when he's 17 and moves backward a bit in a location that a lot of you readers may have gone or been in a situation a lot but i put this part in there so you my readers wont be confused if you didn't ready it u would be confused so please read every page something in here will leave you biting your fingernails there will be a lot of cliffhangers that will span 1 or 2 chapters before the conclusion is found out. If you can't handle suicidal thoughts and tendencies blood, gangs rape, sex etc I would say grow a set and read otherwise don't read it aint for you Hold on to ya socks because we goin for a rough ride More Characters Through A Character List will come up so uk whos who

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A Warrior...
by Izzy_Gay_Boy