Lost boys (Benjey)
By austinsbitc_h
  • Fanfiction
  • adults
  • benjey
  • benji
  • benjikrol
  • college
  • gay
  • happiness
  • jeyjey
  • jorge
  • jorgegaray
  • life
  • love
  • sickness
  • support
  • teens


Sequel to "Forever in Time" Benji: highschool graduate finally, has a very nice job, wants to go to school for photography and art but mom wants him to go to graduate or medical school, dads out of jail but scared to build a better relationship with him, still very gay and very in love with Jorge Jeyjey: still shy and quiet, very good at graphic design, wants to go to college but doesn't have enough money, has a better relationship with his mother but still hates Javi, Mallow is sick but still staying strong, not much changed in his life he dyed his hair brown and still very gay and in love with Benji Krol. Madison: still a stuck up bitch, dating Skeeter?? Still loves Benji and out to seek revenge against Jorge for stealing her mans literally. when Benji gets accepted to a college that's completely out of state he keeps it from Jorge in fear it would put a tear in their relationship, but that's the least of his worries when parties, girls like Madison, out of highschool drama and a bunch of other shit happens will Benji and Jorge stay strong or get torn apart :(


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Lost boys...
by austinsbitc_h