A Whole Lot Of Capi...
By dothechachaslide
  • Fanfiction
  • bxb
  • dracomalfoy
  • dracoxharry
  • drarry
  • ewe
  • gay
  • harrypotter
  • hermione
  • questions
  • romcom
  • romione
  • ronweasley
  • teddylupin
  • therosieproject


⚡️ Harry Potter, accomplished Auror, is getting married. Or, he will be, when his twenty-five question, scientifically valid survey (developed by Hermione) yields a candidate (see: The Potter Project). Designed to filter out the pureblood elitists, the smokers, the vegans, and the crup haters, Harry's questionnaire is, truthfully speaking, a last resort. Enter Draco Malfoy. Harry doesn't even consider him for the Project seeing as he's.. you know... male, not to mention his Hogwarts rival, but he's drawn into Malfoy's quest to find the man who murdered his father (see: The Malfoy Murder Mission). When something like a friendship develops between the old peers, Harry must confront the feelings he's been running from his entire life, and the decidedly unreasonable conclusion that Draco Malfoy just might be who he's been looking for all along. ⭐️⭐️⭐️⭐️⭐️ "Why are you staying in your room so much? Please go outside. You need friends." - my mom ⭐️⭐️⭐️⭐️⭐️ "Please don't make me read another fucking drarry FanFiction." - my cousin Directly based on The Rosie Project by Graeme Simsion. I claim no ownership of the premise or the story line, though all deviations are my own. Characters are from the Harry Potter series by J.K. Rowling.

In Which Hermione Has a Plan

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A Whole L...
by dothechachaslide