Taken, Abused, Saved
By Werewolfluver1
  • Werewolf
  • abused
  • alpha
  • bond
  • hope
  • kidnapped
  • love
  • luna
  • mate
  • moon
  • pack
  • romance
  • rouge
  • rouges
  • save
  • saved
  • taken
  • teen
  • werewolf
  • wolf


Little Miss Lyra Black grew up, knowing nothing but pain, abuse and fear. She was taken from her own front yard at the age of 4, by one of the largest and most powerful rouge pack, The Living Death Rouge pack and then, continuously sold off to countless others. Every day, our little Lyra got weaker and weaker. Nothing ever changed. She was Abused day after day, month after month, year after year, along with many other girls just like her. Now, on a she-wolfs 17th birthday, her sent will become strong enough for her mate to smell and track it to where ever she is, no matter where she is. It's been 8 years, since Lyra was taken and abused constantly, she is now 17 and her sent is far from weak. Lyra's wolf, May, has prepared Lyra for this day and for Lyra, it's one of the only things that has kept her alive all these torturous years; The day she would find her mate. Her mate... Her knight in shinning armour... Her one and only. He's her only hope.


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Taken, Ab...
by Werewolfluver1