What Do We Have Her...
By EBAwsome999
  • Fanfiction
  • antisepticeye
  • demons
  • drama
  • fanfiction
  • imdumbiknow
  • jacksepticeyeego
  • manipulation


First fanfiction that I'm actually taking seriously, mostly. I do have school and other activities I do So updates will be random and some chapters may be short, but I will continue to get this story done even if it kills me. Because god dammit I need to complete a story for once There is descriptive scenes of violence, nsfw, I'm very awkward on smut so it might be vague, but don't worry there will be smooches. Probably not going to work on this anymore ---- You stared in horror at the man on top of you and your mind played threw a couple hundred scenarios that could happen at the moment. The only one you hadn't thought of, was him moving the knife from your neck and whispering in your ear, his hot breath tickling it a little, "It's time to wake up y/n.."

Alright, who touched my computer(Chapter one)

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What Do W...
by EBAwsome999