By 190916cab
  • Romance
  • action
  • badpast
  • dangerous
  • family
  • fantasy
  • harsh
  • innocence
  • limits
  • love
  • no
  • off
  • romance
  • sinister


He's eager, versatile and impartial. But this is all just a facade, a mechanism to deal with his disturbing past. He was born and grew up in a loving family in a large village, he lived free of worries until he was about 8 years old, but at that point things took a turn for the worst. He got kicked out of his parents house and he is now part of a sinister clan. All alone he had to survive in a insane world. But with his charm and talents, he managed to reach full potential and battle the elements. This has turned him into the man he is today. Powerless to change the past, he now works on making it in a large tournament. By doing so, he hopes to shed the memories of the past and finally find peace of mind he has never had. but before he can he was struck by a rod of glowing mist that gave him his power to take anylife and to take their powers away. Ever since then he has been abiding his master and fighting in his never ending war. All awhile seeking to figure out his existence in life. This is for his whole life and the sinister clan was when he got his tattoo. Then there was Her. Gentle. Kind. Caring. A small delicate young woman with magic in her heart. Never once has she laid such envious eyes upon one as the figure with the wolf Tattoo. Tall, Dark, Brooding, devilishly handsome she's intrigued by the figure. She's drawn to him like a planet in orbit around the sun. But will she run once she knows what lies behind the fake facade he puts up? Just how close can she get to him without getting scorched?

Coming Soon

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by 190916cab