Flirtatious Ways
By LaBonita17
  • Teen Fiction
  • drama
  • humor
  • ira
  • romace
  • urban


Lee-lee is a 16 year old girl who still hasn't found that right guy yet. But that's not stopping her, she still living it up. Talk about she has guys left an right, up an down, anywhere and everywhere. Lee-lee tends to mis-lead guys with her flirtatious-ness, which she doesn't realize at the moment. No wonder why guys have such strong feelings for her then they become hurt when she lets them know it wasn't meant to be taken like that. Not only is she causing a lot of frustration, she also is attracting a lot of jealousy from other girls. But can you really blame them?? In other girls eyes all they see is a beautiful Puerto Rican girl with a nice body, pretty face, guys always flocking to, she always has a smile on her face no matter what. So will Lee-lee slow down her Flirtatious-ness or would she just keep doing what she do, an not give a whaa?

Not that serious

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by LaBonita17