Lost from the world
By baga_crazy_eyes
  • Teen Fiction
  • anxiety
  • bibitch
  • bisexual
  • borderlinepersonalitydisorder
  • bpd
  • deep
  • depression
  • gxg
  • lgbt
  • lgbtfiction
  • lgbtq
  • mentalhealth
  • suicide
  • teen
  • ya
  • youngadult


13 year old Samantha is a funny, honest and energetic person... or she used to be. While her first term in year 9 comes to an end and Christmas gets nearer and nearer, she finds herself with little friends and struggles to find happiness in anything. A month after coming out to her family and close friends as bisexual, she realises she's at the beginning of a traumatic experience crossing a sea of monsters and demons. Along the way, she meets someone who will completely switch up her life. Will she survive? - This book is based on what I've had to deal with in the past 9 months. The name 'Samantha Cook' is in memory of a boy named 'Sam Connor' who went to a school near mine where he was bullied. He took his life 4 days before he ended year 9. Rest in peace, Sam Connor, beautiful boy.❤️🙏 **TRIGGER WARNING** This might contain the mention of self harm, emotional abuse or suicide

1. Do I have to go?

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Lost from...
by baga_crazy_eyes