And Her Eyes Are Th...
By pinkwinters
  • Short Story
  • adventure
  • angst
  • badassgirls
  • cleverness
  • dark
  • death
  • faeries
  • family
  • fantasy
  • femalelead
  • gothic
  • literature
  • love
  • lyre
  • poc
  • poetic
  • purpleprose
  • secondpersonpov
  • tragedy


【her eyes gleam with violence, her saccharine tongue singing of her myriad virtues; and in the light of the waning moon, she is an exploding star, burning up the sins of her soul】 _______________ Makatza Naudé is infamous for being undaunted by the Fair Folk ― at the tender age of 17, she is the bravest person in the village. After a jarring encounter with a strange faerie woman, Makatza's prized lyre, the last remnant of her father, is snatched away from her. The only way to retrieve it is making a deal with a faerie knight, which means letting go of her morals and committing treason. But are the consequences really worth an old musical instrument made of memories? Only time will tell.

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And Her E...
by pinkwinters