Her Hero
By 1D_London_xx
  • Fanfiction
  • christmas
  • december
  • direction
  • england
  • fire
  • love
  • one
  • snow


Her heart sped with anxiousness. The howling wind, whipping at her face- the tears freezing under her bloodshot eyes. Her legs ached for an end- but she knew she must press on. Stopping to catch her breath every few seconds was all she could manage before she had to start up again. They were chasing her. The echoes of their voices haunting her thoughts- the memories she was forced to forget. It was all her fault and she couldn't go back- not now. It burned through her soul- the warmth of her breathe nipping at her nose then slowly fading away. This December was aimed to be the coldest- and she had no where to run to. Picking up her feet ever so slightly, she pressed on through the dark swaying trees. The moon shown above them- bright and happy as the twinkling stars surrounding it- sending bursts of sparkles to glisten. Each one called to her- but she dare not answer. At last, her legs grew numb with pain and suffering. Her running had died down and her breathing had increased to a point where she thought her heart might explode! The cold air swam around the fogginess of her only warmth. Her nose flared as she watched the air devour her only possession of survival. Clutching her teddy bear tightly to her barely covered chest- she collapsed into the ground- the memories fading with her. The night had won this fight- and the darkness faded around her. Everything grew black.

Whispers Abide

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Her Hero
by 1D_London_xx