By Flawful_Creativity
  • Teen Fiction
  • drama
  • friends
  • gay
  • gayrights
  • pride


Thank you so much to @SparrowFlight For drawing this amazing cover! This book is basically about gay rights. WARNING: Contains minor suicidal actions My heart ached. Down I went, down the hill, no force to stop me. As I tumbled down nearing the edge, I saw her face leering over the edge. Emma pulled her away and walked back to the others; "C'mon, Liz, let's go." They went back to the group and all laughed. •• I couldn't breathe, I couldn't move. Fear flowed through my veins as I felt it replacing the blood that was supposed to be there. My hand slid from my side to my head, feeling the warmth of my blood on it. I stood up. And I ran. I ran so fast, so far. I knew where I was going, it wasn't home. I arrived 45 minutes later at Adria's house, knocked, and passed out.

The Start (1)

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by Flawful_Creativity