Palisades park (boy...
By Allthereasonstosmile
  • Teen Fiction
  • boyxboy
  • boyxboyxgirl
  • lovetriangle
  • romance
  • teen


''Ant, ant, anthony...'' I hear Ophilia say under her breath as she entwines her fingers with mine. I squeeze her hand tighter out of instict, staring adamantley in to her stormy grey eyes. She gingerly leans in, placing a delicate kiss on my nose, allowing me to get lost in her scent. Ash trays. That's what she smelt like, and I loved it. ''Hey I heard about a cute new place down the street, I'm starved.'' Ant chimes in getting up from the ground next to the bed turning towards us. ''It's too early for food'' I say tossing the covers off of me lazily and moving to the window. The stark and gloomy back alley stares back at me unforgivingly, what a view we have. Running a hand through my messy hair I turn to see Ant on the bed hovering over O covers strewn to the ground. The pair share a mischevous look as they intertwine their bodies pressing their lips together, just as Ant shoots me a suggestive glance. I nibble my lip in frustration looking down at my feet as I walk out.

Palisades park

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by Allthereasonstosmile