The Phone Call
By RaylaWrites
  • Fanfiction
  • phonecall
  • princxiety
  • roman
  • triggerwarning
  • virgil


While having a not so great day, Virgil receives a call from a troubled man. He helps him to stop old habits and influences new ones. Such as, calling each other whenever they need advice, to stop them from doing stupid stuff, or maybe, just maybe, to confess a crush long forgotten. This is my first ever long fanfic so I hope you enjoy. Also, if you feel you cant read a chapter (there shouldn't be anything to heavy except for a couple chapters later on) then please, please, please feel free to message me so I can give you a summary that you can read. Don't feel obligated to read something you are uncomfortable with/brings up bad memories. Trigger Warnings I Can Think Of: Anorexia Anxiety Attack Depression Suicide almost attempt (he has everything ready and then doesn't attempt) There may be more as the story progresses so I will make sure to add anything here and at the start of each chapter. Please let me know if I missed any.

Chapter 1: The First Call

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The Phone...
by RaylaWrites