The Fire That Grows...
By sugamew
  • Fantasy
  • aang
  • avatar
  • avatarfanfic
  • avatarthelastairbender
  • fantasy
  • katara
  • king
  • love
  • power
  • princess
  • princezuko
  • queen
  • sokka
  • tophbeifong
  • zuko
  • zukoxreader


King Lao Beifong has passed and his eldest daughter, (Y/N) Beifong ascended to the throne. He left war debts and the brink of their nation in near desolation for her to fix. As Queen, she was needed to fix the problem. Her solution was to join nations, but will that union be the downfall or the rise of her own? ___________________________ disclaimer: This is an AU with many similarities to the show as well as other shows such as Reign on CW. I'm writing this to get back into the habit of writing. Please don't take this story seriously to how I might manipulate it. I'm not disrespecting the characters true form, only changing them to fit the premise of the story being written. I love the original show and its concept so much. It's one of my favorite shows of all time. I'm simply at a writer's block and have been for a year or so with my other works. I want to be inspired to write again as I used too when I was younger. If this story doesn't live up to what you were hoping to read, then don't leave any comments or anything to disrespect. I just wish to write again and fall in love with it as I once was before. also another disclaimer: i despise what i created for the cover and the name for this book. but then again it's temporary until i figure out the actual plot of this story :')

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The Fire...
by sugamew