The unthinkable has happened: Joffrey has killed Lord Eddard Stark. War is spreading over the continent of Westeros as Robb Stark marches with a Northern army to reclaim his sisters and end the false King's rule. Kienna must do everything she can to support Robb, but her sister's betrayal still burdens her heart. And far off in the lands of Essos, a Dragon Queen will meet a certain cousin... --------------- * Hello everyone! I regret to say that I have chosen to put this story on temporary hold until the summer. Right now I don't have enough free time to spend writing for this story, and I don't want to churn out rushed, inadequate chapters in the process. I wanted to make this official, so you will not stress about no chapters coming out. In the mean time, I hope you branch out and enjoy other stories during this break. Have a wonderful day! See you in the summer! :)
Author's Note - Hello Again!