The Role of a LIfet...
By allslong
  • ChickLit
  • celebrity
  • hollywoodromance
  • teenromance


Natalie Jones is a C list celebrity in a world that worships reality TV and people that don't have a quarter of her talent. She wants so much more out of her life and her career than what she currently has. Events of the early times in her life have assured that she will be hungry and forever seeking things that she desperatelyun wants but can never have. Can she make it in Hollywood? Can she have the life and the career that she has always wanted? Can she find love and respect in a world that tells women to set down and shut up? She has the chance to make all that and a whole lot more that she never thought possible happen by taking the role of a lifetime. Really it's the role any actor's lifetime. An incredible story, an incredible film being made by a hot shot young director who is being called the second coming of Stephen Speilberg. To do this all she has to do play her mother, her long dead mother, in a film about her mother's life. A mother who died when she was only nine months old. A mother that she has no memory off. We follow Natlie through the hardest year of her life. As she strives to earn everything that she has ever dreamed of. No matter what the cost to herself, her self image, and the damge her journey could do to those that she loves most. It's a hell of a ride and it all takes place because Natalie Jones accepts the role of a lifetime.

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The Role...
by allslong