An AntSparklez Stor...
By punken316
  • Fanfiction
  • antvenom
  • captainsparklez
  • jordan
  • jordanmaron
  • maron
  • sparkant
  • taylor


Ever get tired of Skylox and Merome fanfictions but still wanna read a gay romance fanfiction about famous YouTubers? *takes deep breath* Then you’ve found your book! Jordan is abused, self harms, and rarely eats. Taylor is bullied and is constantly depressed by it. Their parents meet and fall in love and they just happen to meet and fall in love the day their parents decide to move in together. Will Jordan help Taylor out of his depressive habits? Will Taylor help Jordan stop self harming, start eating again, and get away from the abuse? Will their parents allow the love? Will they be happy and have a struggle free love? Will they make it through high school? Will the author stop asking questions? Find out in An AntSparklez Story!

An AntSparklez Story (A CaptainSparklez/Antvenom or AntSparklez fan fiction)

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An AntSpa...
by punken316