Alina Nivar: The Mo...
By MarteenaRV
  • Fantasy
  • adventure
  • fantasy
  • fiction
  • friendship
  • gca
  • generalfiction
  • grandcafeawards
  • highfantasy
  • journey
  • magic
  • moon
  • ownuniverse
  • tff
  • ycdaa2
  • young
  • younghero


Alina has a dream, and a mostly simple one, though she works hard for it; she dreams of being one of the best cooks in the Nine Kingdoms, or at least, the kingdom of Ethelia. However, when she comes back home from a long week of work at the castle's kitchen, she finds her home destroyed and her father gone. Once she starts having visions of a goddess in her sleep, Alina must seek help from Arien, a stray boy with an unusual talent for getting things when he needs them, and Kita, a nagwal who has never seen the world outside of the forest, her home. Alina must be careful; her father's life is not the only thing at stake on this journey. || English is not my first language. Please excuse any poor grammar, and point any mistakes out in the comments for me to fix them. ||


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Alina Niv...
by MarteenaRV