Blue's Dreams...
By UnicornSavage7
  • Fantasy
  • bad
  • badboy
  • boxing
  • bullies
  • dark
  • dragons
  • fighting
  • funny
  • lgbt
  • magic
  • princesses
  • romance
  • sad
  • twins


I breathed in slightly my eyes fixed in fascination as I looked down at my electrified hands still pulsating throughout my entire body. I looked down at him his eyes filled with adoration and surprise. He picked himself back up his hands forming into a powerful golden glow his eyes turning a deep blood red. "Again." he says his blood eyes staring into my soul. I rolled my eyes in annoyance as I channeled all my energy and blasted it at him. Blue has a hard life constantly dealing with bullies, boys, and her foster parents. The one thing that causes joy into her life is her dreams. In her dreams she is a powerful princess with unspeakable powers that all the kingdoms fear, but in reality she is just a normal loner girl. What happens when she discovered a door where she escapes from her horrible life? What happens when she finds the door in the unlikely of places?

Chapter 1

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by UnicornSavage7