Shattered - a Fairy...
By Toxic-Angel
  • Fanfiction
  • canaalberona
  • erzascarlet
  • evergreen
  • fairy-tail
  • heartfilia
  • juvialockser
  • levy
  • lisannastrauss
  • lucy
  • mcgarden
  • mirajanestrauss
  • wendymarvell


"Lucy, get away from there!" I heard Levy's faint scream, but I never listened. "Lucy, do you wanna kill yourself? Get away from there!" Cana joined in, as well as the other's, but I still didn't listen. "Luce!" I heard the one voice I did not want to hear, and this voice sealed my future, so I jumped right into the darkness, leaving my friends behind. ____________________________________________________________________________________________________ These girls are shattered. Shattered by the people they loved the most, kicked out of the guild they once called their home, and followed by a mysterious stranger. These girls have a journey, and every girl has a purpose but this purpose goes hand in hand with death, misery and sadness. Their way is dark, will they be able to resist, or will they fall for the darkness? Their world is bound to fall apart, and only they can protect the people they love, will they make it in time? Lucy, Levy, Lisanna, Wendy, Juvia, Cana, Mirajane, Erza and Evergreen are being kicked out from the guild, kicked right into their destiny. Find out what happens on their journey...

Chapter 1: Poor Happy

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by Toxic-Angel