[Lu x Nightmare Wal...
By Ria_10_24
  • Fanfiction
  • drama
  • dream
  • dreamland
  • dreamophrenia
  • fanfic
  • friends
  • lesbian
  • lgbtq
  • love
  • night
  • nightmare
  • nigthmarewalkers
  • shapesifting


WARING: BAD GRAMMAR SLOW UPDATES! SPOILERS! LGBTQ+ (If you didn't watch it of course) This is a story about a series called DREAMophrenia go watch it on YT the chanel is also called DREAMophrenia is you want to finde it 100% got to my playst on YT Called HA and the 1st video will be a video with the series. My name on YT Is Ria The Creator. Now to the actual desc. Also the author alowed me do this personaly so I am verry exieted and can't whait to start let's go. Lu is our well knowed powerful dream walker that is stuck with Li. But what happenes if instead of Li, there someone called (Y/n) and she is the first of her kind. A Nightmare walker, they can easaly get into the nightmares mind and even control them, " even tho the only the diference betwen Dream Walker and Nightmare Walker is the name " I say that they're wrong. Becouse a Nightmare Walker has more powers then a Dream Walker can wish for even what Lu willl want. Watch how this first of kind person is on the Dream Walkers team and doesn't even know she is special. Will she find the key which led Lu to her now self? Or will it be a for ever mistery? Read to find out

" Incompetent "

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[Lu x Nig...
by Ria_10_24