The Dark King
By AkanshaSingh066
  • Fantasy
  • agegap
  • alpha
  • beast
  • beauty
  • dominance
  • human
  • innocent
  • obsession
  • onesidedlove
  • possession
  • texttospeech
  • werewolf


Dark was his Soul, more darker than the night sky. His eyes terrorised the darkness. His sheer cruel laughter echoed through the trenches of hell, spooking the poor beasts of dark land. Night was his slave and darkness his weapon....Behold my folks for he was THE DARK KING _____________________________________________ Pure and innocent Sharanya would never have thought that a casual visit to that always 'out-of-limits' spooky castle atop the hill would dramatically upend her life in the worst way. Nor she would've guessed that she would create an obsessive maniac just by walking into that hexed monument. Poor she had no idea that her innocence had unknowingly freed a monster from his tethers. He saw her and that was the beginning of it. She was pure....just like the freshest dew on the leaves early in the morning. Untouched by any man. So little and fragile, just perfect to fit in his big arms. Just one look of her and he knew this beauty belonged with him. JUST HIM. She was his alone. His to love, His to Punish and His to Fuck. Mad was his love for her. No idea she had of what lengths he would go to keep her locked inside his bedroom and have his way with her day and night. Her escape was impossible. His obsession was intractable. Her fate was sealed....She was the Queen of the DARK KING. Pictures are not mine.

The Castle Beast......

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The Dark...
by AkanshaSingh066