Employee Five: A To...
By GravityWillFall01
  • Short Story
  • artificialintelligence
  • disease
  • running
  • scary
  • suvival
  • zombieapocalypse
  • zombies


Just because we're living in a world where a disease can make the dead walk, doesn't mean that that disease is the only one we have to worry about. Junin2-one of the most deadliest diseases out there. We need the vaccine. Now that most doctors are dead and most medical equipment and knowledge is gone, we have to prepare for this disease as best we can. The only way we can do that, is get the vaccine. The only problem, the vaccine is locked away in a high security facility run by an AI. To get in, you must be registered as an employee of the company Xia-Hifa, the company that creates the vaccine. That is where I come in. Time is running out. Junin2 season is getting closer and closer. I have to get in there and get that vaccine before it kills us all in one of the most horrendous ways possible. It shouldn't be too hard-get my special T-shirt, do well on my performances, and get out. Should be okay, right? Wrong. A.N.N.I.E. is a lot smarter than we thought. Don't speak. Don't let it hear your voice. It will deceive you. It will hurt you. "You keep calling me 'it'. You wouldn't like being called 'it', would you?" Let me ask you this, what is your top priority? "Safe is an interesting concept." Mine is saving Abel, no the matter the cost. "Tagged you, Five. You're 'it'." Disclaimer-I do now own Zombies, Run! or its characters. I only own the characters I created on my own. This is my Five's version of the 2016 Virtual Race.

If self== Employee: Print shirt

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by GravityWillFall01