The Cupid Players [...
By lovenshit
  • Teen Fiction
  • badboys
  • book-one
  • crush
  • cupid
  • drama
  • fun
  • highschool
  • love
  • notcliche
  • teenfiction
  • traumaticexperiences
  • younglove


Having friends is a great thing. Having two guys who care and understand you as friends is the best thing ever. Having two guys as your friends who try and play Cupid for you and your 'secret crush', is not so great. Jordan Smith is classified as the typical bad boy in school. Hanging around the schools flirt and the schools mute, he was bound as the bad boy but we all make mistakes right? He might seem careless to everyone else but he is a huge softie inside, one of the most loyal people you would ever meet. He has a beautiful girlfriend under his arm, the best friends one could ask for and is doing pretty amazing with his studies. He worries about nothing but his mother who he barely speaks to in New York. That all changes when his eyes catch on a very gorgeous creature that captures his heart instantly. Soon enough, Jordan has cheated, spoke to his mom and fought with his best friend because of something he thought would come when he's at the age of forty; love. Being the teenage boy that he is, Jordan decides it's best to just let it go. With his friends becoming friends with the said girl, he has no choice but live his life with the girl of his dreams, mean while hiding his true self in hope of not losing her. But what happens when his past comes searching for him, almost taking away the only important thing in his life. Will he rather live with the guilt of breaking her heart or letting her die? Read to find out! *******\\******** Warning!! This is my first book so there will be mistakes, especially gramma ones since English is not my first language and all but please be good souls and bare with me. But all in all thanks for stumbling upon TCP. I have many ideas for this book and I hope you love them and love reading it as much as I love writing it. Hope you enjoy!


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The Cupid...
by lovenshit