The Lost Son | Ferr...
By angelapoppe
  • Fantasy
  • adventure
  • faeries
  • fairfolk
  • fairies
  • fairy
  • fantasy
  • highschool
  • love
  • lovestory
  • lovetriangle
  • magic
  • magicalcreatures
  • magicalworld
  • moon
  • moonlight
  • mystery
  • realistic-fantasy
  • romance
  • suspense
  • teen
  • teenfiction
  • teenromance
  • ya
  • youngadult
  • youngromance


"People in this town are more bound to fairies than they want to admit..." These words have been haunting Ferry for the past six years. Ferry Donovan is a sixteen human-years-old fairy with an interesting life. During the day, he behaves like an ordinary youngster, spending time with his friends, doing his chores, and dreaming about a special girl. At night, he must train to become the Saviour of Akna, his fairy homeland. Everything changes when a boy comes to town, saying he is the lost son of Ferry's human-parents. Now, Ferry and his friends - both human and fae - must find out who this boy is and what are his intentions. Meanwhile, the town of Goodharts is preparing to enter the seventh year since the last vanishing into the Shepherd's Forest. But this is not the strangest of the things occurring. Over the years, Ferry has learned that the Pride Mansion hides many secrets, and they are all connected to an odd reunion of rich people called The Quest. Yet all these become somehow less important compared to Ferry's biggest concern - the girl he likes might not feel the same.

The stranger

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The Lost...
by angelapoppe