The Fate of Perseph...
By An_Angel_of_Sorts
  • Fanfiction
  • 10
  • bonds
  • comfort
  • doctor
  • doctorwho
  • doctorwhofanfiction
  • escape
  • eventual-romance
  • family
  • fate
  • friendship
  • hurt
  • mentalillness
  • phobias
  • poor-doctor
  • running-away
  • self-harm
  • slowmance
  • soulmates
  • tardis
  • tenthdoctor
  • timelady
  • timelord
  • timetot
  • trust


The Doctor gave up long ago of ever finding his 'Amarthin,' his bonded. But when he visited the house of Jackie Tyler one day, soon after his regeneration, his senses were flooded with the tell-tale signs of her! But the road for the two would not be an easy one, as eighteen-year-old Persephone still believed she was human and had a crippling phobia of making connections with people. It would take time and effort, but the Doctor was convinced that with love and hard work, he could help Persephone save herself. This is a 'slowmance.' I want to show that you don't have to have love at first sight to be an interesting fanfiction.

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The Fate...
by An_Angel_of_Sorts