you, me and music (...
By secondofapril
  • Teen Fiction
  • bullying
  • highschool
  • music
  • promisies
  • teenager


The empty streets of London were starting to fill with business men. I really believe in second chances you know, maybe one of these classy suited men used to be a drugs addict and maybe they are trying to rebuild their lives now. London is my second chance. I used to live in Brighton before. I loved every single thing about Brighton, I just hated the people there. Not all of them, there are some amazing people in Brighton, just not the kids in my school. I just don't like doing things normal girls of my age seem to like, like having sleepovers and do each others make up etc. I like playing the guitar and writing songs. I don't think that's weird, but the girls in my old school did. My parents found out that i got made fun of alot, so they decided that we had to move to somewhere else. And because my dad had this amazing business oppurtunity in London, the capital seemed the perfect place for a second chance. Little did I know that second chances were not always 'perfect'.

chapter 1

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you, me a...
by secondofapril