My Father For Sale
By SvShri
  • Romance
  • family
  • familytrip
  • father-daughter
  • fun
  • funny
  • happiness
  • highschool
  • highschoolsweethearts
  • ilovemydaughter
  • longlostlove
  • love
  • pain
  • reunion
  • suffering
  • trip
  • united


"You think I can just do this ??" he yelled on top of his voice. They rolled their eyes at his impossible behavior. "Oh you were once a high school hottie , stop being a shaky leg now go talk to her." the friend of the yelling spoke. "Oh hell no, what if she doesn't recognise me ??" he whisper yelled at them making them sigh in disappointment. "She won't trust us now shoo" a feminine voice made him stumble. Being threatened by his daughter and his best friend Peter walked towards his collage sweet heart who walked away when they were just teens. "Do she recognise him uncle kev ??" she asked now looking at the retreating figure of her father's form. "I highly doubt that" came a response from her uncle who is as impossible as he is now. Sanju Gardner a girl in her early 20's adopted daughter of Peter Gardner who is in his 40. He does anything for her happiness and dedicated his entire life for her after he lost his wife and her family in an unexpected accident and now his life takes a 180 degree turn when he encounters his collage sweet heart who he lost his contact 20 years who still has the same effect on him the same way she had in him 20 years before.


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My Father...
by SvShri