Her Eyes
By Inspired_Story
  • Fantasy


In 'Her Eyes' the story isn't based on anything. Not based on a book, or another Wattpad story. It all comes from my imagination. The idea of this story is to take people to my world. Not one Someone else's made up one. Mine. It's about a girl named lily, and her best friend Jake. Lily provokes a curse that turns out to be a blessing, renewing the world. A new beginning. I'm not going into a detailed background, because that would give away to much. Lily has to go through so much to get what she wants and needs. Jake. Lily has to save someone important, Jake. Jake is the center of her life, best friend. May I remind you that this book is not edited, nor are the chapters long. Keep that in mind while you are reading. Comment in anything you feel the book needs. But I probably won't change it, because its MY book.

Her Eyes

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Her Eyes
by Inspired_Story