Look After You [Rev...
By scarletwidow06
  • Teen Fiction
  • alternateuniverse
  • buckybarnes
  • familyandfriends
  • familypressure
  • highschool
  • sports
  • teenfiction


Elliot Katherine or Ellie Kate Cooper is a brunette quiet shy girl who would rather not have attention despite the fact that she plays sports just not ones that her parents are a fan of. She's also a straight A student in AP classes. Her parents are alumnis of her high school her mom the great Taylor Ann Mcgregor-Cooper was the most popular the queen bee and her dad is Ryan Cooper the once greatest quarterback not only in high school but in college as well. Her parents best friends are Winnie and James Barnes have been since they were little as well as others. They have a son named James "Bucky" Buchanan Barnes who has followed in his dad and Ryan's foot steps at being a great football player. Bucky and Ellie have never really gotten along. But somewhere in their hearts they alway have each other's back. But when Ellie Kate becomes the girl Bucky wants. Will they both be able to look past the past history? Will Bucky be able to let go of social rules to be with her? Or will it be to late for them? *warning* triggers mentions of attempted suicide.


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Look Afte...
by scarletwidow06