The Wise Slave
By WiseSlaves
  • Mystery / Thriller
  • audiobook
  • bedaiwi
  • bestbookever
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  • free-audio-book
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  • recommended
  • red
  • relationship-complicated
  • relaxation
  • short
  • thewiseslave
  • thriller


This novel is fiction of the highest quality. It's easy on the reader at the beginning, introducing itself in a friendly way, but becomes more challenging, and more rewarding, as the pages turn. If you can handle this kind of adventure, then give it a go; be generous and try at least the first couple of pages. The tale draws the reader in slowly, but with enough interest, it will generate intrigue and further roads into the adventure will soon be opened up... It is a story about a wise man, who made himself a slave in order to gain people's support over an invented king. The king was the Korban sacrifice who enabled the kingdom to continue, a ploy, planned with the most intricate knowledge of the inevitable outcome of his actions. When a boy, the slave was bullied at school. He was thought to be an idiot as nothing of what he said made sense to anyone. However, what was considered to be nothing, but mindless babblings, were the kernels of ideas that would eventually change the whole world. It is you, however, who will make or break the success of his future... if you give him a chance to tell you his story. Like many beginnings it is rather mundane, plain even, like everyday life, but every adventure has small beginnings, like a seed, and with your interest, like rain and sunshine, it will supply the nourishment that will enable it to grow more complex as the tale unfolds, leading, with your goodwill, to a scintillating climax!

Chapter one, the Wise Slave , TheKing.

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The Wise...
by WiseSlaves