Painted black.. bro...
By GunslingerDeath101
  • Action
  • adventure
  • agent3
  • agent8
  • callie
  • ink
  • inkling
  • love
  • marie
  • octoling
  • pain
  • splatoon
  • splatoon2
  • squidsister
  • texttospeech


It was a lovely day in inkopolis, fun games with turf wars,people and the news of squid sisters and off the hook and you may thought that your life is great right? WRONG.... your life in the past was terrible..for your entire life you've only felt pain,misery and despair...losing all your hope and will to live...never have friends, a good family or childhood at all....though you at least have one 1 friend that you at least kinda accept which be ace. But beside that through all your pain you've lost it...sanity was gone then soon you became broken...never feeling anything no more but just a dead cold heart to what people say you have as for awhile you became like a monster people would all you ever try do is blend in feel like your them, but really it was your friend idea to which you hated...but it was a way for you to not get people sacred off or insult you despite you having black ink but blue ink be your disguise. To learn more you were like the best player for turf wars not one lost or time you ever been splatted, that's why people are also afraid your like a monster,a killer,a destroyer.....or a which you have deeply inside. will your adventure go on for inkopolis when you meet a certain someone? Will you ever feel again? will you ever get a better life? Will all the past finally go away from the voices to pain and suffer?.... Who knows.... Disclaimer I don't NOT own splatoon or you, you own yourself so that is all but I hope ya enjoy

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Painted b...
by GunslingerDeath101