Messenger of the De...
By KamariaAelfgar9
  • Fanfiction
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  • psychic
  • romance


My name is Aron Kwak and I am a psychic medium. I can communicate with loved ones who have passed onto the other side. Any messages spirits may have for the living are passed through me; sometimes very persistently. I currently live in Seoul, South Korea. Here people like me are very rarely believed in and so I try to stay as invisible as possible. Sometimes spirits are hard to ignore and I must reach out to a living loved one, skeptic or not. It's been very different since I moved here permanently from Los Angeles, California three years ago. I left my two younger sisters back home with our only living, reachable relatives. Five years ago, my parents were killed in a car accident. They died on impact in a four car pile up on their way to my high school graduation. I travelled to Korea to be better connected to their memory and culture. I have had a special connection to the other side for as long as I can remember. I recall talking with what my parents called "imaginary friends" when I was young but I now knew were spirits with messages for relatives who needed closure. Once my parents passed, I decided to try contacting other mediums and better develop my abilities. I enjoy helping people. Since then, I've given strangers and friends last words and affirmation of their loved ones' peace. Spirits can step forward at the most random of times, often demanding to be heard. I've brought complete strangers to tears in mere minutes more times than I can count. It's very odd life but I deal with it nonetheless. It could be worse. If it was my calling to be spiritual communicator for those who have passed into the other world, then that's what I'll do.

Ghostly Meetings

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by KamariaAelfgar9