Our Planet has Cras...
By sleepybob
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BEGINS AFTER FLASHBACK, INCLUDES LEGACY AND UNLOCKED SPOILERS. AND ALSO BEGINS AFTER THE HIVE QUEEN AND INCLUDES THE POISON JUNGLE AND LEGENDS: DRAGONSLAYER SPOILERS. There are villains in every story. Sophie Foster and the Black Swan have the Neverseen. The Leaf and SilkWings have Queen Wasp - not to mention the Othermind. The humans on the dragon planet have just found out that the man they look up to, the Invincible Lord, was more wicked than it seemed. And on Pyrrhia, Darkstalker was just destroyed. But sometimes villains find other villains, and then the world becomes chaos. Especially when planets are bumping into each other. Sophie and her friends notice a large shadow passing over their minuscule planet, and when they realize it's not the Neverseen, they panic. Meanwhile, the LeafWings are escaping the clutches of Wasp and the breath of evil from Pantala, and on Pyrrhia, crashing into a tiny planet is fazing nobody - a big mistake. The villains are getting stronger, rallying their forces, making allies . . . and the longer they have, the more time they will have to prepare a master plan that will destroy each and every world as we know it. Crashing into another planet might seem like a big problem - that is, until the enemies' plan finally becomes evident, and it's just about too late to stop them. a wings of fire and kotlc fanfiction.

one - KOTLC

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Our Plane...
by sleepybob