Children of the Win...
By wolfofgalaxies
  • Fantasy
  • adventure
  • battle
  • magic
  • pack
  • phantom
  • secrets
  • wings
  • wolf


Alphas, As you know, the Fabled Warrior is someone tested and proven to be worthy of the title, chosen only once every generation. Once a Fabled Warrior passes, a new one is chosen. They will always have wings, and though they may be popular now, a Fabled Warrior's will be different from any other's. Fabled Warriors who have been born with wings are more powerful than those who earn them. This is what gives me hope for this century's Fabled Warrior. She was born with galaxy wings, one that I could've only dreamed. She has passed almost all of her tests. I feel we finally have found the one that will permanently save Anulias. Another thing about wings: No Fabled Warrior has had children, but those with wings, depending on the color, are worshipped for being "descendants" of a previous Fabled Warrior. This proves a small challenge for Aliyah, but a challenge nonetheless. Either way, Falcon, one in Aliyah's "Pack" has silver wings, much like the first Fabled Warrior. She hides them from everyone and does her best to protect her land next to Aliyah and the rest of the Pack. May this be the generation that the phantoms will come to an end. Alphas, take this information and use it wisely. I will be watching and I will be making sure Aliyah remains worthy. -Your Goddess, Mira

Chapter 1

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by wolfofgalaxies