Unsolved Mystery (C...
By Sebaek-For-Life
  • Fanfiction
  • baekhyun
  • chanbaek
  • chanyeol
  • exo
  • fanfiction
  • mystery
  • unsolved
  • xiumin


Imagine someone you know, love, close to or all of the above went missing for a year and a half. Now imagine how you would feel if you have no idea if they are dead or alive. Well, Baekhyun knows that feeling very well. His boyfriend, Chanyeol, has been missing for a year and a half. Baekhyun has no idea if his boyfriend is dead or alive. All because Chanyeol convinced Baekhyun to go to the forest near the university while he was studying for his midterm exams. Baekhyun now regrets going to the forest. He has tried to solve the case with what he has learnt from police/detective course, but, it doesn't help that the only clue he has is Chanyeol's torn 'Kyung Hee Cyber University' hoodie. Baekhyun often cries because he believes that if he continued saying no, Chanyeol wouldn't be missing. He also often goes to the last place where he saw his boyfriend. One day, Baekhyun is looking through photos of him and Chanyeol, seeing a man in the background in one photo and an abandoned, worn down house in many others. Will Baekhyun finally solve the missing boyfriend case? Will Chanyeol be dead or alive? Let's find out.


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by Sebaek-For-Life