Not Today
By Not_Fully_Alive
  • Fanfiction
  • abuse
  • abused
  • anorexia
  • blaise
  • bulimia
  • cute
  • draco
  • dracomalfoy
  • dracoxharry
  • drarry
  • eatingdisorder
  • gay
  • gryffindor
  • happyending
  • harry
  • harrypotter
  • hermione
  • love
  • notcompleted
  • pansy
  • ron
  • selfharm
  • slytherin


All he feels is pain. Mentally and physically. He feels as though life isn't worth living. His father beats him every chance he gets and Draco is suffering an inner turmoil with himself as he realizes he's gay and in love with none other than Harry Potter. ⚠️TW⚠️ • Everything, this story is literally a trigger in itself • ED • SH • Suicide • Abuse • Rape • Slurs • Swearing There's no more trigger warnings after a certain point because of the amount there would be. Please do not copy this story without permission. The story title and story line is all my idea and I would not appreciate if someone took it as their own without giving credits at least. Constructive criticism only please! Leave suggestions and things I could add! Enjoy! Started: 7/16/19

Chapter I

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Not Today
by Not_Fully_Alive