iMotivate | ✓
By xurxmoon
  • Short Story
  • bully
  • depression
  • life
  • motivate
  • nomorebullying
  • people
  • society
  • thepeopleofsociety
  • world


"Hi, and welcome to, a place where I'm here to support and help as much as I can for anyone who needs someone to listen to. I'll give you life advice, encouragements and also might be a friend to all of you. No matter what age, race, or religion you are, and where you are from, I will still be here for you. You can call me P and if you need any help, you can message me through this website, just click on the "send a message" button or you can email me at Don't be shy to send a message, I won't mind at all (unless it's inappropriate, that's unacceptable and will be blocked or deleted) but if you even want to drop a 'hi', go ahead!" Petra Hollis is an optimist and she is also the creator of the website "" where she helps in motivating people no matter what age or where they are from. Everyone look up to her there and see her as their idol. But here's the catch. Out of the website and in real life, Petra is not really an optimist. She tries to be but it's hard if she spends her days getting bullied by the students at school. It becomes worse when one of her bullies found out she is the creator of the well-known and her bullies suddenly became so keen on torturing her until there's no positivity left in her just to watch her shatter. How will Petra keep on motivating when she's crumbling apart herself?

c o p y r i g h t

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by xurxmoon