New Blood & New...
By That_Outlaw_Writer
  • Fanfiction
  • fanfic
  • rdr2
  • rdr2oc
  • reddeadredemption2


{RDR2 FanFic} WARNING. FIRST FEW CHAPTERS ARE FROM A VERY LONG TIME AGO, SO THEY SUCK ASS. SO MY WRITING SUCKED. BUT IT'S BETTER IN LATER CHAPTERS!! 5/17/2020 Thunder exploded over head and mud blew up under the horses hooves, the rider whisperd to easy up into its ear but the horse just shook its mane pinning its ears and speeding up. in a blink of an eye the rider was thrown to the ground passing out. "its a girl" a voice said looming over the riders body, she was picked up by sweaty palms and put on the back of a horse. she woke up chained to a post and a strong smelling liquide poured onto her face. found in the mud on a stormy night by O'driscolls, Isabelle, a young adult in her mid twentys was taken and kept captive by Colm and the boys. forced to drink Beer and whiskey, barely fed, and was treated badly by Colm. Until the O'driscolls camp was attacked by four men at six point cabin. Isabelle was again taken captive by the Van Der Lindes, thinking she was an O'driscoll and might have more answers then Keiran. Her life with the gang takes a huge turn and finds herself stuck in the middle between troubles and worries of the gang. Half lady of the gang and half gunslinger by the end. It leaves her with New Blood And New Rifles.


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New Blood...
by That_Outlaw_Writer