Crimson Rosario - A...
By MageProfessor_Simon
  • Fanfiction
  • aincrad
  • alfheim
  • alfheimonline
  • alicization
  • alo
  • asuna
  • fanfic
  • fantasy
  • game
  • ggo
  • gungaleonline
  • kirito
  • konno
  • malereader
  • original
  • originalcharacter
  • rosario
  • rpg
  • saofanfic
  • sword
  • swordartonline
  • são
  • yuuki
  • yuukikonno
  • zekken


[As a testament to my unending battle against fate, I will pledge my incarnation to see that you remain safe.] A man whose mind surpasses human excellence, Akashi Toriyu finds himself facing a lady of courage and thunder. Her eyes spark valour and confidence, as his radiated caution and perseverance. Through the crossing of their blades, their mind and soul began to resonate. Long dormant emotions resurfaced as the weight of their swords grew stronger at every passing moment. Soon, Akashi will realise there is more to this girl than meets the eye. Hidden under the grace of a swordswoman whose laugh and charisma can warm the hearts of many... was a tragedy waiting to unfold. With his wit and thoughtful nature, he will care for this girl by all means necessary. Allowing their hearts to further weave and bring bliss to her life in ways she could only dream of. However, will the girl, Yuuki Konno, overcome what fate has prepared for her dear soul? Or will the grand scheme of the cosmos bend by the determination of her newfound 'saviour'? Indeed, what a story would that be.

[==Author's Intro==]

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Crimson R...
by MageProfessor_Simon