Niji {Mahiro×Reade...
By LanaHyde0407
  • Fanfiction
  • band
  • fanfic
  • fanfiction
  • jrock
  • kiryu
  • kiryumahiro
  • mahiro
  • mahirokiryu
  • mahirokurosaki
  • visualkei
  • vkei
  • wattys2019


I wrote this because honestly There aren't enough V-kei stories here, one of those V-kei bands being Kiryu. I do not write these for any specific person. I write them in my own free time when inspiration strikes. I apologize if the story turns out crappy. My writing is most definitely not as good as most other writers. A reminder, that event that happens in this book is merely the imagination of a fan girl, and nothing more than fiction. _____________________ After a traumatic accident, you build your walls around you, to block as much as you can out. This wall breaks down as you discover a new band, and you eventually get hooked onto them. A meeting with a certain someone in the group changes your life, and leads to a series of events that you never expected would happen. ---------------------- I may rewrite the book after completing it to make it more detailed. As of now, I feel my writing only flows through the basic sequence of events with efforts to describe every moment. Highest rankings: #1 - visualkei #1 - vkei #2 - jrock #9 - kiryu #4 - mahiro

Chapter 1- monotone

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Niji {Mah...
by LanaHyde0407