The Queer Squad
By FandomObsession418
  • Teen Fiction
  • acearo
  • aromantic
  • asexual
  • bisexual
  • boyxboy
  • boyxgirl
  • gay
  • girlxgirl
  • highschool
  • lesbian
  • lgbt
  • lgbtfiction
  • lgbtpride
  • nonbinary
  • original
  • originalcharacter
  • pansexual
  • pride
  • pridemonth
  • transgender
  • writtenwithpride


He's a quiet, caring gay boy struggling with his mental health and his homophobic parents. He's a loud, rebellious bisexual boy with terrible self-preservation skills and a skateboard. She's a smart, anxious lesbian with a love for flowers, coffee, and cats. She's an edgy, passionate pansexual girl named after a goddess with a dog named Argus. They're a cool, punk aro ace enby who solely owns black and leather clothing. It's senior year at Hamilton High School for Aiden, Skyler, Ivy, Hera, and Phoenix. They are all friends and have known each other for at least a couple of years. Aiden moved to Hamilton High from Nashville in their freshman year and made friends with Ivy and Hera. By the end of freshman year, Skyler and Phoenix became a part of their group. Ivy likes to call them 'the queer squad'. It's fitting, seeing as they're all part of the LGBTQ+ community. Not all of them are out, however. Skyler is bisexual. Ivy is a lesbian, Phoenix is not only aromantic and asexual, but they're also nonbinary, and Hera is pansexual. But Aiden is still in the closet. No one except for his small group of close-knit friends know he's gay. As the senior year goes on, things get hectic. People get together, a sibling gets hit and their brother gets into a fight, a boy breaks his arm skateboarding and can't hold his boyfriend's hand. Someone's father leaves after they come out to their family. Another girl gets into a car crash and one of her family members passes. Senior year is supposed to be fun. It's supposed to be the year where you enjoy as much of your childhood you can. But for the 'queer squad', almost everything goes wrong. But they all stick together. They always do.

The Cast

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The Queer...
by FandomObsession418