By busssshinny
  • Romance
  • affair
  • badboy
  • drama
  • heartbreak
  • love
  • loveatfirstsight
  • lovetriangle
  • maturethemes
  • slut
  • unlove
  • youngadult


I was lying next to him. I could hear his rapid breathing nd see his frantic eyes. His blue eyes re looking wild nd clear. Even though I was on his bed , next to him nd was physically close to him , I am not the one who is on his mind or heart. I could see our clothes discarded in the dark . I could even say that even at the moment when he was inside of me, he was picturing her. He was whimpering her name while I was numb nd laid unloved. He never loved me nor did he care about me. I was just another notch down his belt . Just another who was easy nd willing. I don't know what love is so I don't know if it was love or lust or the want not to be felt alone. I don't think words could explain but I failed to say it. I just wanted to be hold nd loved. I didn't know how to love. It might have been attachment. I looked like a lonely soul nd he looked like a good company . I liked the way his eyes would drink me in nd the way his breath would make my heart race . I could feel it in my bones the want I had in me. I should have hid. I shouldn't have let him close or let loose . I look like the villains of every story. The girl who had it all but gets nothing at all. I was aiming for the main role nd like always ended up being discarded nd being the side character. I was the villain. I had so much in me. I wanted to show it. I wanted to express words nd what runs in my head. I wanted to talk about my days nd nights. My problems nd my fights . I wanted to share every happiness nd tears. Some girls re born nd destined for love nd some like me re destined to suffer. I just like them all but I am not her or his ms right . I tried to cover up nd be the woman he wanted but he didn't see the light in my eyes or the passion or the fire which she could ignite . I was left without a sorry or a note. Iwas kicked out. I was trying to have fun nd was branded as a slut. I was searching for love nd was left unloved . Will he fall for her or will she end up alone ? Read and find out


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by busssshinny