The Girl That Tied...
By superwholockgubler
  • Fanfiction
  • castiel
  • dean
  • deanwinchester
  • gabrielsdaughter
  • johnwatson
  • marymorstan
  • powers
  • sam
  • samwinchester
  • sherlock
  • sherlockholmes
  • superwholock
  • thedoctor
  • winchester


Heather is what some people consider crazy. She grew up in a small town in England where Sherlock Holmes and his brother Mycroft were her best friends. That was until her family was trying to make her like her cousin, Irene Adler, a dominatrix. So she ran away from her home and from the curly haired boy who had feelings for her. She then came across a man who travled through time and space in a tiny blue box that goes by the name of The Doctor, along with his other companion Clara Oswin Oswald. The Doctor soon realized that as much as she loved traveling with him she wanted to stay in one place for more than a day, so consequently he dropped her off in modern New York. She got a job as a preforming waitress. Then she met the Winchester boys that changed her look on the world even more. She has come to find out that there are demons, angels, and other supernatural beings. That's when she became a hunter. This is her story while creating an unlikely gang.


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The Girl...
by superwholockgubler