What Is Dead May Ne...
By A_Writer_In_Develop
  • Fantasy
  • aereatargaryen
  • aereaxtheon
  • daenerys
  • daenerystargaryen
  • gameofthrones
  • got
  • greyjoy
  • hbo
  • housegreyjoy
  • housetargaryen
  • jonsnow
  • targaryen
  • theonxaerea


After so many years of hiding and being called the lost princess, Aerea has finally found her home. She was born a princess, but was stripped to becoming no one. For so long she had thought she was the last of the Targaryen's, until her cousin, her queen Daenerys rose to claim her crown. Aerea is thrown to a whole new world full of dangers, horrors and perhaps... love. Thank you for being a lil bit curious and wanting to maybe read this story. It takes place in an alternate universe where there is another Targaryen princess and being thrown in the journey of Daenerys wanting to take the throne. It is based loosely in the history of the book series and takes place during season 7 of the TV show before season 8. I hope you give this a chance and thank you for doing so! If you're confused with the family history, check out the first chapter where it has the Introduction and I help you understand a little bit more about this new world. Thanks! Ana.


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What Is D...
by A_Writer_In_Develop