Youtubers, I'm...
By YourFavoriteNutella
  • Fanfiction
  • boys
  • casparlee
  • chef
  • connorfranta
  • franta
  • marcusbutler
  • rickidillon
  • sawyerhartman
  • troyesivan


Skye Winters has a past. I mean everyone has a past. But hers is more tragic then most. From one foster home to the next she never seems to stay still for to long. One day, a man by the name of Connor Franta tasted her food at a slow run down dinner she was working at. And hired her to be his personal cook and live with him in LA. Being adopted by Mr. Franta may not be so amazing because he may have forgot to mention he lives with 5 other people, which all happen to be you tubers. How will she deal being the only girl in the house of 6 guys wanting her to cattier to their every needs. Also trying to break down the walls she had built up over the years. Boys, cameras, and action fill this story making it hilarious, amazing, sorrowful and taco-tastic. "I don't tell anyone my story. I will only end up feeling more rejected. People cannot tell me what I need to hear. The more I expects from people's response to my experience, The more I will feel exposed to ridicule" All rights reserved. © YourFavoriteNutella 2014.

Chapter One- I'm a Personal Chef?

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by YourFavoriteNutella