Ruler of Aether and...
By orionblader
  • Fantasy
  • aether
  • angels
  • anime
  • animeworld
  • chakra
  • crimsong
  • demons
  • down
  • ether
  • fire
  • good
  • goodvsevil
  • googletranslatevil
  • heir
  • major
  • nephalem
  • passed
  • power
  • race
  • super
  • titanspunch


300 years ago, 2045, 6 astronauts went up to space. Earth was in danger of a disk that had destroyed several planets including Jupiter, Neptune, and Mercury. As you can see the disk was no normal disk. It had the power of a white hole and a black hole. able to suck in any source of power and spit it out resulting in the destruction of anything in a 5-billion-mile radius. The disk was reaching the sun endangering earth in multiple ways. Scientist developed a net of the greatest technology able to stop up the black whole. It was the astronauts job to put the net onto the whole blocking the seal from destroying the sun. It contained all of earths greatest elements. Once the astronauts placed the net on the disk a blast of un-known energy exploded from inside of the whole, creeping through the thinnest parts of the net. It swept thought the whole universe all forms of life. Humans began to gain paranormal abilities. It gave them enhanced capabilities, such as control over fire water and other elements. The ones who gained powers were called Amerson. Though some stayed human, with no growth in their abilities at all. However, the astronauts who were the closest to the blast had greater power over them all, gaining multiple abilities with one of the being immortality. They were named the leaders of the world each having their own sections to rule fairly. Humans and Amerson lived peacefully until others realized they could use their power for evil and harm. Resulting in the six leaders to create a new police force called the Royal bureau. A group of people with elite combat training and the strongest of powers meant to protect the innocent.

Part 1

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Ruler of...
by orionblader