Love You Three Thou...
By GoneMonochrome
  • Fanfiction
  • avengers
  • clintbarton
  • hawkeye
  • marvel
  • morganstark
  • pepperpotts
  • peterparker
  • spiderman
  • thor
  • tonystark


A Note From The Author: I am no longer updating this, but I was kind of proud of the first few chapters even if they were short so I decided to republish it. Massive End Game Spoilers!!! "Daddy, where are you going?" "I need to talk to some old friends." "When will you be back?" "Soon sweetie, I promise I'll try to be quick." "Okay." Walking out the room he heard the little voice again. "I'll miss you!" "I'll miss you too, I love you so much." "Well I love you three thousand." "Three thousand? That is a lot." "Good night Daddy." "Good night Morgan." Closing the door he sighed. He had to do this, he couldn't live knowing that he could have saved half the universe and didn't because he wanted to keep his little girl. But she was his whole universe his second chance and it was hard to know if it was worth it. ------- All characters belong to MCU -------

Author's Note/ Introduction

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Love You...
by GoneMonochrome