Legend fate of Weri...
By felina_feriko
  • Fanfiction
  • adventure
  • angels
  • beasts
  • demonlord
  • demons
  • dragons
  • ecchi
  • goblins
  • guild
  • hero
  • heroine
  • hybrids
  • kingdom
  • mildabuse
  • mildblood
  • mildlanguage
  • mildviolence
  • mission
  • quest
  • teams
  • treasurehunter
  • treasurehunting


Land of Werisodia Once, there was a hardcore war between the humans and the demons, the war had been was so hardcore that it wasn't stopped for many centuries, many innocent lives being killed either humans' or demons' there was countless defeats and victories in the both's sides, they kept attacking and it kept continuing like an endless loop. The loop continue, until the 7777th heroine took the hero spot and 7777th demon emperor took the demon king's spot. The heroine was known as Lucinda Exicelholy while the demon king was known as Lucifer Dakurex. They found out the war would kept going on and on if either Lucifer or Lucinda died in the war or is defeated. Both of them decided that to end the endless war, by being couple and making humans and demons know that they can live together peacefully. It was a great success, Lucinda and Lucifer managed convinced most of the humans and demons to have a peaceful life together, they worked together as partners to fought the remaining groups of human and demons that were rebelling and against Lucinda and Lucifer ways of ending the war. The rebelling group are known as monsters. Due to the teamwork between demons and humans, they successfully wiped out the rebelling groups and have a peaceful life together for many centuries. Land of Werisodia is a peaceful land that many adventurers and treasure hunters have arisen, in different towns or villages, there will be at least a guild for adventurers or treasure hunters. Amongst them is a bright and energetic young woman named Sakura Blitzflame. This is a story of her. Stay tune for her adventures and she makes friends. Well there is a legendary fate she has, what will that legendary fate will bring her to? read and find out.

ACT 1) beginning of the fate

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Legend fa...
by felina_feriko