The Rapunzel Effect
By ChocolateCoffee
  • Romance
  • agoraphobia
  • boy
  • fairytale
  • fairytale-remake
  • fiction
  • girl
  • grimm
  • kidnapped
  • kyle
  • london
  • love
  • orphan
  • rachel
  • rapunzel
  • rich
  • teen
  • tower
  • trapped
  • twist
  • witch


"Oh right, you're agoraphobic?" He asked, understanding. I nodded quickly. "So you've never set foot outside of this penthouse." "No. Not once since I came here." He sighed and walked to me. "You have to go out." He said. I shook my head again. "No." "Yes." "No." "Yes! Sorry lady but I need to get down that elevator." Rachel La Tere is agoraphobic. She had never left her penthouse at the top of the luxury Castle apartments. With a controlling mother for 10 years, she had learnt to not question things such as why her hair was to never be cut short or why she wasn't allowed to have any pictures of herself. When Kyle comes crashing, literally, into her careful and solitude life, would she finally find out the answers to her secrets? Why her biological mother had died and what truly happened to her father after she was 'adopted'. And why everybody seems to be searching for her? And what happens when Kyle finds out what happens to people when they help break carefully built secrets apart? ©ChocolateCoffee

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The Rapun...
by ChocolateCoffee